If you have been following me on Twitter or Facebook, you know that I attended my 5th conference last week: the first annual SoCal Christian Writers’ Conference. Here’s a little taste of what it was like:
I arrived early on Wednesday to check in and get settled in my room.
After registration, I ate dinner in the cafeteria and then hung out with these two wonderful ladies:
The next morning we ate breakfast in the cafeteria before heading to the chapel for worship and morning announcements.
They also introduced about one-third of the faculty at this time. They continued these introductions each morning of the conference. I really liked this unique feature because it was helpful for matching names and faces to those whose appearance didn’t exactly match their bio photos, and it gave us a chance to get a peek into each faculty member’s personality.
Next up was a quick break followed by my first continuing session. I chose the Intermediate/Advanced Fiction session with Tosca Lee.
I admit to some hesitation in my choice since I had taken similarly titled classes at other conferences and walked away feeling like I’d gotten little more than a review. Tosca’s class was nothing like that. It was original, intense, and interactive. It felt as though I were in college again. She even gave us homework at the end of each class.
Next up was lunch at the cafeteria where I got to spend time chatting with my fellow conferees as well as faculty. Meal times quickly became one of my favorite parts of the conference because of the great conversations and connections I was able to make.
After lunch there were two workshop sessions with a break in between. I wound up entirely missing the first workshop I had wanted to attend because it happened that my first two appointments were both during that class.
I met with Erin Taylor Young and then Miralee Ferrell. Both conversations were very enlightening and the resulting conversations were just what I was hoping for from the appointments.
I did make it to my second workshop, given by Sandra Barela on Keys to A Successful Book Proposal where I realized I’d misunderstood what the agent was looking for in one section of the proposal the last (and first) time I had put one together.
After the afternoon workshops we had another break followed by a Publishing Panel where they passed microphones around the audience and we had a chance to ask questions of the publishing experts on stage.
After that was another break and dinner. Then we sang more worship and a Keynote was given by Karen Ball. I have to tell you, I felt as though this Keynote was the reason God had me at that conference. Not to discount the many other wonderful conversations and classes, but I truly felt as though God were speaking right through Karen to me. That doesn’t happen all that often for me, but for some reason lately, He seems to be getting my attention in exactly this way.
After Karen’s keynote, there was a break followed by a live blog radio broadcast by Parker J. Cole with interviews of faculty and conferees and a Story Tell-Off, where two authors went at it by trying to tell the best story.
I took advantage of the break to run back to my dorm room to retrieve something, and on my way back to the broadcast, I spotted Sandra Barela setting up her laptop in the lobby of the dorm. Since I had wanted an appointment with her, but she booked up before I could sign up, I took advantage of the opportunity to speak with her. (She had mentioned in her class earlier that afternoon that she would be available to talk that night in the lobby.) What I thought would be a quick 15-minute conversation turned into 70 minutes which only ended because another conferee showed up wanting to speak with her and I quickly excused myself. After all, I’d already taken over an hour of her time! But she was so easy to talk to and her genuine heart for writers and for God practically glowed from her. Although I was disappointed to miss the broadcast event, my talk with Sandra was definitely one of the highlights of the conference for me. Part of the result of that conversation is that I am now a member of the Celebrate Lit blogger team!
After my talk with Sandra, I headed to my room where I reviewed my notes on what was happening the next day and completed my homework for Tosca’s class before grabbing my Kindle and heading to bed.
The next two days went very much the same: breakfast, morning announcements & worship, continuing session, lunch, afternoon workshops, and dinner.
Friday afternoon I missed most of the second workshop due to appointments with Karen Ball and Stephanie Alton. Both appointments were encouraging and enlightening. I was very grateful for the opportunity to speak with both of these women.
On Friday evening there was an agent panel followed by a Keynote by Kim Bangs and a concert given by Sally Klein O’Connor.
On Saturday evening there was an Awards and Autograph Party followed by a Keynote by Allen Arnold and the ceremony for the Excellence in Editing Award winners.
By the end of the conference, although incredibly grateful for the many blessings it had brought, I was ready to go home.
I wistfully looked forward to sleeping in my own bed with a bathroom that was not down a very long, shared hallway and my brain was absolute mush. In fact, Saturday afternoon I had caught myself speaking to myself – a quirk I develop when I am very tired. So if you ever hear me saying things like, “Wait, where was I supposed to go next? Oh right. … No wait, it’s this way. Where did I put that? … Oh here it is.” Well, you’ll know my brain has reached capacity and has no more room for thoughts so the overflow is just spilling out my mouth. I’m not crazy. Just overflowing with knowledge. Yeah. That’s it.
Below are some of my favorite quotes from the speakers and workshops at the conference. Please feel free to share them and don’t forget to tag me @KathleenDenly!
“My identity isn’t being a writer. My identity is in Christ.” – Tosca Lee
“Make your marketing plan before you start writing. Update as necessary.” – Sandra Barela
“Try to obey in a less worried way.” – Karen Ball
“Don’t get so focused on the destiny that you resent the journey.” – Karen Ball
“God has never called for shoddy work.” – Karen Ball
“Agents are like Yentas.” – Karen Ball
“The shortest path isn’t always the best route.” – Kim Bangs
“We’re not all broken the same way, but we are all broken. Broken crayons still color.” – Kim Bangs
“We have to know God more than we know our circumstances.” – Kim Bangs
“God’s never failed anyone and He’s not going to start with you!” – Kim Bangs
“In perseverance, you find your story.” – Kim Bangs
“Is protecting yourself keeping you from obeying God?” – Kim Bangs
“Are you more fearful or more faithful?” – Kim Bangs
“Secret #5: Bestselling authors lead with their strengths & manage their weaknesses.” – Tosca Lee
“Even bestsellers get one-star reviews.” – Tosca Lee
“Allow room for mystery in the process.” – Tosca Lee
“You waste a lot of time. We all do.” – Lindsay Franklin
“Distractions are productivity killers!” – Lindsay Franklin
“Use humor to lighten the heavy moments.” – Renae Brumbaugh Green
Which quote is your favorite?
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with the brand-new SoCal Christian Writers’ Conference, Kathleen! I loved reliving the conference through your eyes and heart.
Thank you for all your hard work in putting it together! I’m looking forward to next year! 🙂