Title: Cakes and Kisses
Series: Chaparral Hearts
Genre: Historical Christian Romance
Length: 173 pages
Publisher: Kathleen Denly
Release Date: December 1, 2022
A Chaparral Hearts interquel novella
Will she sacrifice her marriage to regain what she’s lost?
Cecilia and Henry Davidson met and married in 1839 but the tragedies of their past have kept them from forming a union of the heart.
After fifteen years of companionable partnership, Cecilia—desperate not to relive the most terrifying years of her life—feels forced to take actions her conscience abhors.
But her choices destroy Henry’s trust.
Previously rejected and betrayed by his first love, Henry struggles to find a reason to give Cecilia another chance.
As the holiday season draws near, Henry and Cecilia are forced to reconsider what really matters and whether the chance at true love is worth the risk.
A tale of fear and forgiveness, Cakes and Kisses is an interquel novella for the Chaparral Hearts series. It takes place between the events of Waltz in the Wilderness (Book 1) and Sing in the Sunlight (Book 2). As such, it contains major spoilers for Waltz in the Wilderness.
Claim your FREE COPY: Cakes and Kisses will be available FREE to Kathleen’s Readers’ Club Members December 1-31, 2022. Afterward, it will be available for purchase through Amazon. Join Kathleen’s Readers’ Club today! Already a member? Check the KRC Freebie Library for your download link any time between December 1-31, 2022.