Hmm. What day is it? Oh, right! It’s Friday! LOL Which means we get to share and discover great new reads together by sharing the first line from the books nearest to us (or from those which we are the most excited about).
Once again I am stepping outside of my usual genre with this week’s line. I’ve decided to share a line from a classic science fiction novel by C.S. Lewis which I have been pre-reading for my eldest child recently. It is entitled, Out of the Silent Planet, and I found it absolutely fascinating. There is no doubt that C.S. Lewis is a master in his craft. If you haven’t read this book, I suggest giving it a try even if sci-fi isn’t usually your thing. (No, there isn’t even a hint of romance in it, but it really is a great read.)
(I know, even the cover looks out of place on this blog, but it’s such a great book!)
Here is the first line:
The last drops of the thundershower had hardly ceased falling when the Pedestrian stuffed his map into his pocket, settled his pack more comfortably on his tired shoulders, and stepped out from the shelter of a large chestnut tree into the middle of the road.
Just typing that first line makes me want to go back and read it again!
Now it’s your turn! Grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first (or your favorite) line!
Then head on over and share your first line with these friends:
Andi @ Radiant Light
Carrie @ Reading Is My Super Power
Rachel @ Bookworm Mama
Sydney @ Singing Librarian Books
Robin @ Robin’s Nest
Katie @ Fiction Aficionado
Bree @ Bibliophile Reviews
Beth @ Faithfully Bookish
Amanda @ With A Joyful Noise
Jessica @ A Baker’s Perspective
Trisha @ The Joy of Reading
Heather @ Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen
Sarah @ All the Book Blog Names are Taken
Lauraine @ Lauraine’s Notes
Oh yea. 🙂 Out of the Silent Planet is a great book.
My first lines is from Vendetta, by Lisa Harris.
“The initial step off the sheer face of a three-hundred-plus-foot drop was always the most terrifying.”
My first line comes from FIRSTBORN by Tosca Lee.
Six weeks ago, I woke up in a cabin in the north woods of Maine with no memory of the last two years or any pertinent details of my life before.
Happy Weekend and Happy Reading!
I have not read this book. Will add it to my TBR.
My first line is:
Once there was a tree… ~The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
I have been reading this book to my kids every night for the last month. They love it!
Dinh @Arlene’s Book Club
Hmm… didn’t realize C.S. Lewis wrote Sci-Fi. But maybe that’s because I’m not a Lewis fan. 😉
This week, I’m trying to put some reading time into “The Memoirs of General William T. Sherman” (for research) and “Threads of Suspicion (by Dee Henderson–my first of hers to read).
Yes, I too had to read that line twice. It’s packed with detail. Usually, I snag a book my son is reading to share on the comments. However, I was running late this morning and didn’t snag his book. Hope you have a great weekend!
Happy Friday!! It’s been a long time since I read that book.
My first line is from White by Denise Weimer: “The dream started the way Jennifer’s actual visit to the house at 104 Main Street, Hermon, had begun, on a road that hurtled past green fields & dust-blown wildflowers into forever, ending in a community time had forgotten.”
Happy Friday! I love C.S. Lewis! I am sure I read that in high school. Enjoy your weekend!
Huh… I had no idea he wrote something like that. My daughter will be overjoyed! I’m currently reading…
The euphoria of winning a hard case vied in her thoughts with wondering what came next as Haden McCarthy left the Alexandria courthouse.
Beyond Justice by Cara Putman
From the prologue of Seven Brides for Seven Mail-Order Husbands Romance Collection
Kansas, 1865
Abigail Melton entered the kitchen to the sight of her mother slumped over the table, a telegram clutched in one hand.
The fictional town of Turtle Springs lost almost all their men to the Civil War.
On my blog is the first line from Irene Onorato’s upcoming release so I have decided to share the first line from a book that’s gotten buried on my kindle entitled Back Home Again by Melody Carlson.
“Thin rays of afternoon sunlight filtered through the leaves of the old maple tree that dominated the front yard of the Howard family home.”
My best friend and I were just talking about this book! She loves Sci-Fi, so she was excited to read this series….we both love C.S. Lewis. I have read Narnia and several of his theological books…The Problem of Pain, The Four Loves, etc… I will have to read this series one day though. 🙂
My thanks again to everyone who has commented and shared their lines. We are going on week two of illness round here. My poor hubby even has pneumonia. Hoping to be back in the swing of things soon!
Praying everyone gets well soon! Hugs!