
Hmm. What day is it? Oh, right! It’s Friday! LOL Which means we get to share and discover great new reads together by sharing the first line from the books nearest to us (or from those which we are the most excited about).

Once again I am stepping outside of my usual genre with this week’s line. I’ve decided to share a line from a classic science fiction novel by C.S. Lewis which I have been pre-reading for my eldest child recently. It is entitled, Out of the Silent Planet, and I found it absolutely fascinating. There is no doubt that C.S. Lewis is a master in his craft. If you haven’t read this book, I suggest giving it a try even if sci-fi isn’t usually your thing. (No, there isn’t even a hint of romance in it, but it really is a great read.)

Out of the Silent Planet

(I know, even the cover looks out of place on this blog, but it’s such a great book!)

Here is the first line:

The last drops of the thundershower had hardly ceased falling when the Pedestrian stuffed his map into his pocket, settled his pack more comfortably on his tired shoulders, and stepped out from the shelter of a large chestnut tree into the middle of the road.

Just typing that first line makes me want to go back and read it again!

Now it’s your turn! Grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first (or your favorite) line!

Then head on over and share your first line with these friends:

Andi @ Radiant Light

Carrie @ Reading Is My Super Power

Rachel @ Bookworm Mama

Sydney @ Singing Librarian Books

Robin @ Robin’s Nest

Katie @ Fiction Aficionado

Bree @ Bibliophile Reviews

Beth @ Faithfully Bookish

Amanda @ With A Joyful Noise

Jessica @ A Baker’s Perspective

Trisha @ The Joy of Reading

Heather @ Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen

Sarah @ All the Book Blog Names are Taken

Lauraine @ Lauraine’s Notes

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