
Don’t you just love Fridays? I don’t know about you, but I can often squeeze in a little more reading on the weekends than I can during the week. Then, of course, there’s church to look forward to and hopefully some extra sleep. These days, though, my favorite part of Fridays is visiting all the First Line Friday posts and checking out the books my friends are talking about on their blogs.

Today I’m featuring a book I read a while ago that has stood out in my memory, which is saying a lot considering the number of books I read. The book is titled, A Claim of Her Own and was written by Stephanie Grace Whitson.


Here’s the first line:

Walking down the main street in Deadwood is like stepping onto hell’s front porch.

Doesn’t that line make you excited to keep reading?

Now it’s your turn! Grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first line!

Then head on over and share your First Line with my friends:

Carrie @ Reading Is My Super Power
Rachel @ Bookworm Mama
Sydney @ Singing Librarian Books
Andi @ Radiant Light
Heather @ Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen
Sarah @ All the Book Blog Names are Taken
Robin @ Robin’s Nest
Katie @ Fiction Aficionado
Bree @ Bibliophile Reviews
Beth @ Faithfully Bookish

Please be sure to stop by and welcome the newest member to First Line Fridays:  Amanda @ With A Joyful Noise

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