
Welcome to First Line Friday! Each Friday I pick a book and share the first line with you. In return, I hope you’ll share with me a first line from whatever book you have at hand!

This week I am elbows and knees deep in holiday madness, so I am literally picking up the book closest to me and sharing the first line:

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

So there you go. The first line of the book closest to me in more ways than one. I’m sure you’ve read it before, but if you haven’t opened it lately, here is this pot telling you (kettle) to do so soon. Very soon. It helps, trust me. Even when you don’t think you have a single second to spare. Find that second even if it’s while you’re peeing. I’ve never known anyone to regret it. (Reading the Bible, that is, not peeing.) I know I needed it. (Again, reading the Bible, not the other thing. Hopefully you knew that.) Okay. Off my soap box. (And done talking potty things. How did pee get into this post? I’ve clearly been spending too much time alone with young boys.)

Now, I’d love it if you shared your first line with me before you click away to go see all the other first lines you probably haven’t already read 500 times.


Grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first (or your favorite) line!

Then head over to Hoarding Books to see who else is participating:

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