Welcome to First Line Friday! Each Friday I pick a book and share the first line with you. In return, I hope you’ll share with me a first line from whatever book you have at hand!
This week I am elbows and knees deep in holiday madness, so I am literally picking up the book closest to me and sharing the first line:
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
So there you go. The first line of the book closest to me in more ways than one. I’m sure you’ve read it before, but if you haven’t opened it lately, here is this pot telling you (kettle) to do so soon. Very soon. It helps, trust me. Even when you don’t think you have a single second to spare. Find that second even if it’s while you’re peeing. I’ve never known anyone to regret it. (Reading the Bible, that is, not peeing.) I know I needed it. (Again, reading the Bible, not the other thing. Hopefully you knew that.) Okay. Off my soap box. (And done talking potty things. How did pee get into this post? I’ve clearly been spending too much time alone with young boys.)
Now, I’d love it if you shared your first line with me before you click away to go see all the other first lines you probably haven’t already read 500 times.
Grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first (or your favorite) line!
Then head over to Hoarding Books to see who else is participating:
I agree that the Bible is the best book and it’s amazing how reading it can really calm things down in the midst of being crazy busy!
I’m sharing the first line from Heather Gray’s An Informal Christmas on my blog today. The first line from the book I’m currently reading is “His footsteps echoing, Ryan Savage walked the first grader from the cafeteria toward the media center.” The Christmas Baby by Lisa Carter.
I hope you have a nice weekend!
Thank you! Have a lovely weekend!
Perfect first line. First for everything.
My first line comes from a book on my TBR list by Lynda Wilcox. Strictly Murder is the first book in the Verity Long Mystery series.
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
My first line Friday is from Christmas Magic by Cathy Kelly
Primrose Cottage sat at the very end of Johnson’s Lane, an enchantingly pretty little house with wisteria snaking into the low roof and rose bushes clustering up to peer in the windows.
Happy Friday!
Thanks for sharing! 🙂 Sounds like a place I want to visit.
Always the best book to pick up!
Today I’m featuring Cowboy Christmas Guardian by Dana Mentink (because it’s December and all).
The first line of the book I’m reading is: “Not Now. For the love of candy canes, not now.” From I’ll Be Home for Christmas Collection by Bonnie Calhoune, Jill Kemerer, Allie Pleiter, and Lenora Worth
Happy Friday! Hope you get a little break from that holiday madness you mentioned.
LOL Cute line. Thanks for sharing!
Your first line is from my very favorite book! 🙂 It’s always a timely reminder to spend time in God’s word.
I reviewed the anthology, A Grand Tour, a couple weeks ago, but it has such a great first line, it had to get included. This is from the first book, A Lord’s Chance
Southern coast of Spain, October 1852
The smell of deck tar warming under the Mediterranean sun made Miss Isabelle Strathmore smile beneath the brim of her second-best bonnet.
Not sure that smell would make me smile, but to each their own, I suppose. 😉 Thanks for sharing!
You’re absolutely right. The Bible is the best book ever written. 🙂
I’m sharing about The Austen Escape on my blog today, but the closest book to me is Christmas at Carton by Tamera Alexander, so I’ll use that here.
November 13, 1863
Franklin, Tennessee
21 Miles South of Nashville
“Very nice stitching, Mrs. Prescott.”
Happy Friday!
Hmmm wonder what she is sewing? I have been embroidering some ornaments myself. Thanks for sharing!
Ooh, that’s super fun! One of my teachers taught us how to sew an ornament or two when I was fourth grade. My parents still have at least one of them that we hang on the tree every year. Why kind of you making? 🙂
How special to have a keepsake like that from your childhood.
I’m working on felt cutouts of hearts and circles in three different colors, stitching combinations together and adding embroidered details. I’m considering adding some lace as well, but haven’t decided for sure yet.
The felt came from a garland kit I purchased at the Artificer’s Exchange in the historical town of Columbia, California. I decided to reimagine it as individual ornaments instead of a garland and am adding more embroidery than initially suggested for the garland. Each ornament is a bit different from the other and I’m just making up the details as I go. It’s very relaxing and fun, but I likely won’t finish the entire batch this season and will need to work on them again next year.
That sounds super pretty and fun! I’d love to see the finished product. 🙂
Ah, your first line is definitely the best!!!
Happy Friday!
My first line is from First Street Church Romances: Love’s Christmas Cheer by Alexa Verde:
“Hurting her co-chef wasn’t an option,”
Well that is an odd thought to have. Now I want to know what is going on. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Happy Friday, Kathleen! Love your first line and the Author! 😉
MAY 1817
I sat across the table from the man I most admired, feeling self-conscious. – The Secret of Pembrooke Park by Julie Klassen
Hmm it is rarely good to place people on pedestals. Thanks for sharing!
Happy Friday!
Today, over on my blog, I am showcasing Cara Putman’s novel, Imperfect Justice. I am so excited to review this book. I have heard so many good things. On my site, I used the first lines from the prologue, so here I will share the first sentence from chapter 1.
“Emelie Wesley glanced at her watch and frowned.”
Oh I like that line. It is such a simple and common action, but still intrigues me. Thanks for sharing!
Happy Friday!
January 1894
Denver, CO
The cheerful tinkle of a bell alerted Grace Mallory to the arrival of a guest.
– Heart on the Line by Karen Witemeyer
Such a great book! The hero was one of my top 5 for the year. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Amos is pretty great, that is for sure! I’m really liking Lee so far too 🙂
The perfect first line 🙂
I’m sharing from The Last Summer by Brandy Bruce on my blog today. Great book! (Although not as good as your pick).
I’m currently reading Out of the Ordinary by the always-witty Jen Turano. Here’s the (long) opening line:
Slipping through the crowd gathered on the upper deck of a most extravagant yacht, Miss Gertrude Cadwalader drew in a breath and adopted an air of what she hoped would be taken for nonchalance.
With a start like that, I’m expecting another winner!
That is an intriguing beginning. Already we know so much about the character: she is nervous and self conscious, feeling out of place in a crowd of presumably wealthy people and she is desiring to blend in. That does seem like the start of a great read.
Thanks for sharing! 🙂