The Man She Fears Is Her Only Chance For Survival . . .

All Christina Astle wants is to reach Oregon before her baby is born, but the wagon train is attacked, and her husband killed, stranding her in a mountain labyrinth. Raised in the East, within civilization’s embrace, survival is not a skill she’s learned. Neither is evading the lone warrior dogging her trail.

Disgusted by the greed and cruelty of men like his white father, Towan has turned to the simpler existence of his mother’s tribal people. He is not prepared for the fiery woman who threatens to upturn his entire life … and his heart.


A story unlike any other I’ve read, this adventurous love story takes readers on an incredible journey into a culture not often explored by this genre. The story begins with a heavily pregnant woman on the Oregon Trail with her husband who disappears amidst a violent attack on the wagon train. From there the question of whether the hero can be trusted is constantly in play and the reader can’t help but feel compassion for both hero and heroine. Together they face trials and challenges that seem insurmountable on both the physical and psychological levels. Never predictable beyond the required love match, this story kept me guessing and turning pages all the way to the end. I may have shed a tear or two along the way as well. I thoroughly appreciate the author’s courage in taking on the love story of an interracial couple in the 1850s. Her writing is rich in detail and filled with layered characters. In short, I highly recommend this historical Christian romance to anyone interested in a unique, highly entertaining, emotional adventure.

Purchase Heart of a Warrior: AMAZON

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Note: Although I did receive a free ARC of the digital version of this book, I was under no obligation to write a review. You may read my full disclosure of materials HERE.

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