Welcome to First Line Fridays! The day we grab the book closest to us and share the first line. Join the fun and discover your next read!
Today I’m sharing the first line from A Proxy Wedding by Toni Shiloh.
Here is the first line:
“You want me to do what?”
Saying I Do was more than they bargained for.
Carly James values loyalty and friendship above all. So when her best friend calls asking her to be a proxy bride, she says, ‘yes.’ How hard can it be to say ‘I do’ so that her best friend can be with the one she loves? Only, Carly never counted on the feelings that began to swirl around with the proxy groom.
Damien Nichols likes life lined up from A to Z, but when his best friend calls in a favor, disorder begins to reign. Instead of taking a quick flight to the proxy wedding, he has to take a road trip with the proxy bride. Carly’s free-spirit attitude bumps heads with his meticulous approach to life. As Damien discovers the woman underneath the carefree façade, his emotions become involved.
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Now it’s your turn to grab the book nearest you and leave a comment with the first (or your favorite) line!
Then head over to Hoarding Books to see who else is participating:
Happy Friday!
This sounds like a really sweet story, and I love that beautiful cover.
On my blog today, I’m sharing the first line from Set the Stars Alight by Amanda Dykes:
London, England
May 1987:
“The smell of cinders permanently etched the abandoned Bessette Match Factory into the minds of all who passed.”
Hope you have a lovely weekend 🙂
Thank you for stopping by and sharing! 🙂
Happy Friday!
Today on my blog, I’m sharing the first line from Fair as a Star by Mimi Matthews: https://christianfictiongirl.blog/2020/06/19/first-line-friday-140/. I’m currently reading The Killing Tide by Dani Pettrey so I will share a line from there:
“Rissi followed Noah into the station, glad to be back. It’d already been a long day.”
Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂❤📚
Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Happy Friday! I’m reading from an old book, and the kindle edition is free on Amazon. I have probably read it 10 times! My first line is from “Uncle Max” by Rosa Nouchette Carey:
“It appears to me, looking back over a past experience, that certain days in one’s life stand out prominently as landmarks, when we arrive at some finger-post pointing out the road that we should follow.”
Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend! 🙂
My first line is from A Gilded Lady by Elizabeth Camden which I finished this week.
June 30, 1900
There was no such thing as a typical day at the White House, but Caroline Delacroix’s morning took a particularly difficult turn the moment she walked into her crowded office,
Happy Reading!
Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth is one of my favorite authors.
Happy Friday! Today, I’m sharing the first line from The Heart of a Hero by Susan May Warren: “In the daylight, Jake Silver wasn’t the devil.”
Thanks for sharing!
Happy Friday!!
Over on my blog I shared one of the lines from Key to Everything by Valerie Frasier Luesse
“Sometime during the night, it had begun to rain, a steady downpour pelting the tin roof of Aunt Gert’s bungalow and lightly misting Peyton’s face.”